You can find a lot of options in the market and even online if you are searching a flashlight. There are best models that you can twist, crank, shake, click, and more. In case if none of they were able to tickle your fancy expectations then you can plan for guides that tell you how to make a flashlight. Visit the site to know more about the product.
Even though there are many flashlights that come with extra features like whistles and bells, sometimes most of them are unnecessary. Flashlight is used for unique purpose and you may not make use of these extra features most of the time. Hence there is no point in paying extra money for features that goes never used. There are many ideas that you can learn and make a flashlight of your own. You may end up making a best flashlight just by using toilet paper tube and few other very basic supplies that are available in your house.

Using a Quick & Easy Method
There are few steps that you need to follow in making the flashlight. Let’s look into these steps.
Gather Your Supplies
Fix a clean area where you can start working. You can also call some kids and other family members too. Kids will be interested in these types of DIYs and they will love it when the flashlight gets ready with no expensive things but the ones they can easily gather at home. It is possible to make a flashlight just with your bare hands.
You just need following supplies for making flashlight.
- You should pick one empty toilet paper roll. If this is not available then go for lightweight cardboard and roll it into small tube shape
- After that keep two D batteries
- Have a tape in hand
- Take a 5″ long wire pieces. If it is a speaker wire then you should pick the copper kind
- 2.2 volt light bulb. You can choose you own choice of bulb

Now start building the flashlight.
Take of the batteries and you need to tape the wire to its negative end. You should tape it properly so that it snug and it is not moving. Otherwise your light will start flickering. You can also make use of tin foil in place of wire. But tin foil is harder to work with and it is dependable Now cover the bottom of the toilet paper roll using the tape. This is to make sure that light is not sneaking through from any other place. If this is not done properly, then you will end up with poorly working flashlight.
When inserting the battery to the paper roll, you should insert the wire end first. Even the wired end is inserted so that it is facing down, end of the wire should be available at the open end. In case if the wire is unable to make it to the end of the battery, then you should shorten the paper roll and there is no other choice.
Now it’s time to insert the battery with the negative side and this negative side should go and meet the positive side of other battery. This results in proper flow of electricity and it lights up the device. Now it’s time to tape bulb and bottom half of the bulb should be visible. Now using the wire, you can touch the bottom of the wire and now the bulb lights up. In case if doesn’t light up then you may have to cross check the again and try. This is the simple method to make a flashlight that comes with off and on button.

There is no need to spend a lot of money on fancy flashlights if any of the features are not useful. Hence you can create your own flashlight using simple supplies at home.